Verifind in Action

Case Studies

The Verifind team conducted various studies across Denmark to assess the current wayfinding system at the chosen locations. Each study lasted three days, during which participants were observed following a designated route while wearing eye-tracking technology. After completing their journey, each participant was given a follow-up survey and a retrospective think-aloud interview, which allowed them to voice their opinion on their wayfinding experience and discuss any key data points highlighted by the researcher.

The collected data was then sent to the “lab” for analysis, where Tobii’s expert team of data scientists extracted the results for the 3 performance KPIs:

Verifind promotional image highlighting wayfinding solutions with four smaller images showing people using various navigation tools.
An icon depicting a first aid kit with a cross on a circular background, accompanied by a rectangular shape on the left and three small circles at different positions.

Signage Attention

Signage is considered exposed when it is within the visual field, as observed from a first-person perspective through eye-tracking glasses. Signage reaches the “seen” stage when an individual’s gaze fixates on the specific signage of interest.

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Orange icons depict a person with open arms, a heart, a thumbs-up, and a star, indicating various aspects of approval, care, and excellence.

Visitor Experience & Effort

We examine the emotional experience: anxiety, confusion, confidence, stress, frustration and ease on a 7-point rating scale. Then, the mental effort, which includes signage comprehension and confidence in decision-making on a 7-point rating scale.

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Illustration of a clock, a gear, and an upward arrow intersecting a bar chart, representing time management, productivity, and progress.

Navigation Efficiency

We study the ideal time, determined by the moderator walking at a normal pace along the hospital’s recommended path, +/- 30 sec. Then, the average time, calculated by the total actual time divided by the number of visitors.

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How Does This Data Help?

Verifind’s goal is to make it easier for people to find their way around a location, making it more accessible and less frustrating. How many times have you wandered around a building, unable to find your destination? Verifind wants to prevent that by creating smooth navigation experiences and reducing the stress of getting lost. 

Verifind can help you avoid spending large amounts of money on improving your wayfinding system with uninformed decisions. By using Verifind, you can guarantee that the changes you make will benefit the user’s wayfinding experience.

Contact Us

Improve your visitor’s navigation experience with Verifind’s eye-tracking insights.

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Verifind Form (#99)