Danvik School

Danvik School

Danvik School Danvik Folkehøgskole is a Christian folk high school in Drammen. The school was started in 1913. In 2013/14, the school offers eight study lines within the media and creative disciplines: Film, author study, radio and audio production, acting techniques,...
UC Syd

UC Syd

UC Syd University College South Denmark is a university in the southern part of Denmark. We are excited to announce that our team, in collaboration with Kontrapunkt, successfully delivered signage in Denmark for UC Syd’s locations in Kolding, Esbjerg, Haderslev,...
UCF Health / College

UCF Health / College

UCF Health/College of Medicine Our team in Florida designed and implemented exterior signage for the UCF Health/College of Medicine. The signage scope for this project included interior plaques, dimensional letters, exterior monuments, exterior wall signs, and...
Gvarv School

Gvarv School

Gvarv School The Gvarv school located in the Midt-Telemark municipality carried out an extension to the elementary school from the fifth to the tenth grade.Skorve, the contractor for this project, hired our team in Norway to install all interior signage, graphics and...
Food Innovation Academy

Food Innovation Academy

The Food Innovation Academy (FIA) The Food Innovation Academy (FIA) in Vlaardingen located in the Netherlands is the knowledge and innovation Center for the food industry in the southern metropolitan area of Randstad in the Netherlands. FIA encourages cooperation...