Swedish Bvb Approves Five Modulex ProductsTM

June 1 – 2022.


‘Byggvarubedömningen’ (BVB) is a Swedish database tool for the environmental assessment of building materials. This system developed as a voluntary measure of the construction industry to incorporate ecological concerns into housing construction.


One of the significant environmental impacts of housing comes from the materials used for construction and interior design. To support builders in making sustainable choices, this system was developed by the major construction companies to assess building materials and chemical products in Sweden. Its mission is to enable wise material choices for an eco-friendly and healthy living environment, make available documentation of materials for the built environment, and stimulate producers to improve their products from an environmental perspective and take their social responsibility into their supply chain.[1]


Since its start in 2008, BVB has become an effective tool to document materials, their content, and their environmental impact. It offers architects, developers, and contractors a tool for sustainable choice.


Besides offering a tool for architectural consumers to make the ‘right’ material choices, BVB plays a vital role in stimulating sustainable development within the construction industry. By promoting ‘greener’ products, they favour suppliers that produce sustainably and force those that do not to adapt to current environmental demands.


Currently, in Sweden, BVB-approved products have become a requirement in some sectors, such as the public sector or green building projects like LEED or BREEAM. This applies to every material within the built environment, including signage.


Aiming to match the sustainability standards in the Swedish market, Modulex Sweden has succeeded in approving and introducing a wide range of Modulex products into the BVB database. This week, Etronit and GreenBondTM have been the latest products approved by the system. All Modulex products have been given an “Accepted” status, the second-best after “Recommended”.


Modulex products featured in the Swedish BVB database:


  • Infinity Basic Paperflex
  • Modulex Infinity Rails
  • PVC-free vinyl foil
  • Etronit
  • GreenBondTM


We are proud to have succeeded in introducing Modulex products into the BVB system and will work hard to continue down that path. Our determination to continue developing and offering eco-friendly signage solutions is at the core of our DNA at Modulex.


To find out more about BVB, you can visit their website: https://byggvarubedomningen.com/

[1] Torpe, M., 2008. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS – BVB, A SWEDISH TOOL FOR SUSTAINABLE CHOICES.. 1st ed. Melbourne (Australia): CSIRO- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia, pp.p.3310-3312.


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